
The only Ukrainian manufacturer of grain bags Harwell™

per sleeve 2.7m*60m
  • including VAT
  • with delivery
  • extra strong - 240 µm
  • production of 2025
  • UV stabilization
  • Multilayer film
  • Increased strength
  • Natural conservation
  • Diameter: from 1,5 to 3 m
  • Length: from 30 to 90 m
  • Thickness: from 200 to 250 microns
  • Bag length 60 m: up to 200 tons
  • Bag length 75 m: up to 250 tons
  • Bag length 90 m: up to 300 tons
What can be stored in grain bags?
  • silo
  • herbage
  • green fodder
  • sunflower seeds
  • beet pulp
  • flattened grain
  • wheat
  • barley
  • haylage
  • soybean
  • corn
  • rice
  • Rapeseed
About grain bags Harwell™

This is an alternative for grain and silo storage. When storing grain in bags you get such advantages as minimum one-time expenses, the possibility to store and sort grain in its own territory.


Favorable services for loading and unloading grain bags, as well as equipment rental services

Catalog of services

Storage of grain in the airtight environment in the anaerobic condition, achieved by a dense loading of grain in a special polyethylene grain bag.

To obtain a free sample of grain storage sleeves, please fill out the short form "Free sample of Harwell"

Grain bags of the “Planet Plastic” production are made of polymer compositions by a three-layer extrusion method. Exclusive line for the production of three-layer polyethylene bags for grain storage meets all international standards. Plastic grain bags consist of two layers – white and black. White layer reflects the sunlight and prevents temperature increase inside the bag. The inner black layer protects the product against the penetration of direct sunlight. Besides, all layers contain a special additive – stabilizer, which protects the film from the damaging UV effects..

Together with LLC "Zavod Kobzarenko" we offer profitable services for loading of bags, unloading of bags, and also services of rent of equipment. You will find more details in the section "Bags loading/unloading services"

Cost-effective storage system with low investments. All investments result in the purchase of relatively low-cost equipment and bags for grain or silo storage, as well as site preparation for bags placement.

No need to invest in expensive construction of granaries.

  • Makes possible to avoid forced stoppage of harvest campaign, which often happens due to the lack of free space on the indoor barn-floors and lack of transport for the pickup of products from under the harvester.
  • No need for transportation of grain to the elevator.
  • The possibility of separate and secured storage of sorted grain.
  • Grain is not damaged during loading into the bag.
  • The possibility to store grain on any field or at the prepared site.
  • Grain does not require fumigation
  • Exclusion of storage costs in the grain elevator;
  • Reduction of transport costs;
  • Avoidance of risk of returning mixed grain from the elevator with underestimation of grain quality (loss in value);
  • Provision of bagged grain to the banks or appraisers of the insurance company as collateral for receiving the loan;
  • Avoidance of forced sale of grain at bargain prices of harvest season;
  • Prevention of grain trucks’ waiting time at the port or at the grain elevator.

You can order and buy high-quality Grain bags Harwell™ from the manufacturer in two ways:

  • Call our export department +38 (044) 229-00-00;
  • Fill out "this short form" on our website;

Terms of payment Cashless payment to the current account of the company.

Delivery. Terms of delivery are agreed separately depending on the size of the order and the country of delivery. Within Ukraine, we deliver by our own freight transport or through a carrier company to any region of Ukraine.

The grain storage sleeve is an alternative type of grain and silage storage. Storing grain in bags has the advantage of minimal one-time costs, the ability to store and sort grain on the territory of one's own farm.

Calculate the cost of storing grain
in the bags and in the elevator

Calculate benefits
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