
"Planet Plastic" LLC purchases goods and services on a tender basis to meet its own needs. To participate in the tender, you need to send the following document to

Commercial offer within the terms specified in the announcement.

The subject of the e-mail should indicate: Tender No._. Company name. We will inform you about the results of the tender within 2 days after the end of the tender. Below you can find the tender purchases that are planned to be held in the near future.

If you are interested in cooperation, but currently there is no tender for the group of goods that you can offer, send us the commercial offer by e-mail The subject of the e-mail should indicate: Commercial offer. Company name. Product group.

Polyethylene waste: Film group and Lithium group

Planet Plastic LLC purchases the following items of polyethylene waste:

1. Film group:

  • Transparent LDPE film 1st grade;
  • Transparent LDPE film 2st grade;
  • Colour LDPE film;
  • LDPE film (which may include HDPE).

  • 2. Lithium Group:
  • PE pipe waste (cut into pieces up to 3 metres);
  • boxes, pallets, canisters, corks, etc.;
  • crushing (boxes, pallets, canisters, corks, etc.);
  • HDPE and LDPE mouldings.
  • More
    Requirements for secondary raw materials:
  • The incoming PE recycled material must match the grade supplied;
  • Raw materials should be compressed into packages of 200 - 500 kg (except for the foundry group);
  • Minimum delivery batch of film waste 1000 kg;
  • The raw material must be homogeneous in composition - free from impurities of films of a different grade, colour and chemical composition;
  • The input raw material must not contain non-polyethylene impurities (staples, packing tape, stones, metal, etc.);
  • Bales with recycled PE must be dry, clean (free of soil, oil, chemicals, etc.).